Dr. Real Talk

Business Spotlight




Expand Your Reach! Showcase your small business over TV, Radio, and Magazine. Seasonally we have offered small businesses a way to access the benefits of a TV presence in a way that, for many, may not be so easily accessible. Interview and/or product spotlight your business, product/service. If you are interested in increasing brand visibility, giving your business an impactful marketing push, and personalizing your brand by telling your business birthing story, we can offer you a seat on TV, Radio, and Magazine.


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Expand Your Reach! Showcase your small business over TV, Radio, and Magazine. Seasonally we have offered small businesses a way to access the benefits of a TV presence in a way that, for many, may not be so easily accessible. Interview and/or product spotlight your business, product/service. If you are interested in increasing brand visibility, giving your business an impactful marketing push, and personalizing your brand by telling your business birthing story, we can offer you a seat on TV, Radio, and Magazine.